Data Space: code and content as remix and post-remix

Jay-Z Construction Set
(link) - (press)

(JZCS by Kevin Driscoll & friends)





















Vox Earwork video: How J Dilla humanized his MPC3000













Sample Libraries
































































FFT Modeling and Instrument Technology sampling








































Neumann U87






























































































Open Source and Free Information

The Cathedral and the Bazaar (wiki)
book by Eric S. Raymond

The cathedral: Code is kept secret
The owners are worried about their code being stolen

The bazaar: This is the model of open-source software developmetn
The bazaar is characterized by openness
Source code is open, and changes are actively solicited
Code is kept open because: The maintainers do not worry about their code being stolen

The cathedral treats intellectual property as individually-owned property
Thus, software belongs to its owners (Or, at most, its developers)

The bazaar treats intellectual property as communally-owned property
(Thus, the head organizer is a maintainer, rather than an owner)

Open Source Operating Systems
Linux / GNU / Red Hat

Wikimedia - including Wikipedia - and all other "wiki" form crowd-created work

Creative Commons (video)









Hatsune Miku phenomenon










































Vocaloid software





















































Miku on Letterman