Senior Media Projects  


SPRING 2019 | April 1 - June 12, 2019
Office Hours – Wednesdays 4:30 - 5:30pm at VAF 511

Through instruction and discussion, the class will focus on guiding students through advanced production on a senior project. Students will be expected to initiate and complete production on at least one portfolio-level project.

Readings will be made available on reserve at the library or handed out in-class.

20% - based on progress made as presented during Week 4 Critique
20% - based on progress made as presented during Week 7 Critique
20% - based on progress made as presented during Week 10 Critique
20% - based on writing exercises, professional artist-statement, professional project-statement, and other coursework
20% will be based on participation in discussions and critiques.

N.B. To be clear: walking through the door and sitting at your desk is not “participation” in a college-level class; more is being asked of you. Participation requires active engagement in the discourse of our course. Examples include: provide individual insight into examples show in class, provide feedback to peers during critique, visiting Office Hours with questions or ideas to discuss, active discussion during class-time. If you have discovered other ways to participate, please speak with me to discuss whether or not these variations will meet this high standard.

I will only accept assignments late in an emergency situation about which you have spoken with me directly.If you miss class on a day something is due, I will not accept your work late. Late work will be accepted at Instructor’s discretion.

Students are expected to attend all of every class meeting.
Classes which are labeled “Lab work” are not required to attend in-classroom, but rather indicate your responsibility to be in production/post-production on your senior project.
Attendance during “critique weeks” is mandatory.
If you are away-from-class, you will be considered absent (notwithstanding absence due to illness - a note from student health-services or a doctor will be necessary).

One unexcused absence = Lower final grade by one letter
Each additional absence = Lower final grade by an additional letter

Arriving to class late twice will be noted as an “absence.”



updated March 31, 2019